Two years ago, I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. My LAD artery (the so-called “widow maker”) was 95 percent blocked, and I was apparently fairly close to having a heart attack. Thanks to my very observant general practitioner, I was quickly put through various tests; and, within a few days, I was undergoing surgery to get a stent in my artery.
I was 41 years old.
I’m an active person. I’m probably 15 pounds over my target weight, but I’m by no means obese. I’ve never smoked, I have no high-risk behaviors that would cause heart disease, and I have no real history of heart disease in my family.
And yet, there I was lying in a hospital bed with a severe medical condition, listening to nurse after nurse make the same comment: “You are really young to be in here.”
No kidding.
I’d love to be able to tell you that I faced this trial with faith and peace, delving into the Scriptures, spending hours in prayer, and trusting God for His will in my life. But I didn’t respond that way. I was angry. I was afraid. And the last thing I wanted to do was talk to God about it.
My logic went something like this: “God, I’ve served You most of my life. I gave up a great for-profit career to help rescue babies and families from abortion. I get mean emails from all sorts of people because of the work I’m doing on Your behalf. I travel all over the country trying to motivate churches to get engaged in the effort to end abortion. Many of those churches never ask me back. In short, God, I gave up a much more comfortable life to do this work for You, and this is how You repay me? What’s the deal?”
Maybe you can relate, or maybe you’re mentally chiding me right now for being immature. If character is revealed in a crisis, then I have to admit that this particular crisis clearly showed that my character needed some work.
It took me a few months, but I eventually came around. I began to see God’s hand at work, even in my trials. I realized God had orchestrated events that most likely saved my life. Obviously, I didn’t die of a heart attack. God used the miracles of modern medicine—including a fantastic medical procedure to fix my artery—to patch me up and get me back to work. And since then I’ve made life changes that should result in my being around for decades to come. Long enough, I trust, to see abortion become unthinkable and unavailable in America.
Beauty from ashes. Rejoicing from pain. Healing from sickness. Growth from struggle. Constant, encouraging, and powerful themes from Scripture that remind us that God is a God of life. Even through death, God brings new life.
I love to memorize Scripture. It’s getting harder to do as I get older; but for me, it’s probably the most meaningful and helpful spiritual discipline. I’ve been working my way through Psalm 19. If you have a few moments this week, I encourage you to meditate on it:
1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.2 Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.3 There is no speech, nor are there words;
Their voice is not heard.4 Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their utterances to the end of the world.
In them He has placed a tent for the sun,5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber;
It rejoices as a strong man to run his course.6 Its rising is from one end of the heavens,
And its circuit to the other end of them;
And there is nothing hidden from its heat.7 The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.8 The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.10 They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.11 Moreover, by them Your servant is warned;
In keeping them there is great reward.12 Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults.
13 Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins;
Let them not rule over me;
Then I will be blameless,
And I shall be acquitted of great transgression.14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.Psalm 19:1-14 (NASB)
Memorizing verses forces me to mull over the words, digesting them and taking them in, in order to understand what the author is communicating. I’m no theologian, but I believe Psalm 19 has three major parts. Part one is a glorious description of nature’s ongoing proclamation of God’s glory. Verse 7 opens up part two, which is a wonderful testimony to the transforming power of God’s Word and His character. Part three (verses 12-14) is a beautiful prayer, asking God not only to keep the author from sin, but also for purity of speech.
This Easter, do you need to be reminded of God’s glory? Of the transforming power of His Word? Of His sanctifying work in our hearts? I need that.
This morning I was reading an article about a woman who was testifying about her abortion. Her baby had a medical condition, so she had an abortion doctor kill her baby. The mother said she had the baby aborted for his or her own good. Killing the child was really an act of love, she claimed. But was that really what was best for her innocent, preborn baby?
We serve a God who is sovereign, and only He has the authority to determine the day of death (Ecclesiastes 8:8). We serve a God who is constantly transforming us, our families, our cities, and our nations by the power of His Word. We serve a God who is sanctifying us daily, drawing us closer and closer to Him even when it hurts.
We serve a God who sent His only begotten Son to be born of a human woman, live a sinless life as a human man, and die for millions upon millions of sinful, broken humans. But He didn’t stay dead. He sprung from the grave, conquering sin and death once and for all.
Look, we have messy lives. Some of us have medical problems—even in the womb. Some of us develop coronary heart disease at 41 years old. Some of us are hurting mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But Jesus came that we might live, and live abundantly (John 10:10). And that right to life applies to all of us—inside or outside the womb. Let’s continue linking arms together, protecting all human life in honor of Jesus Christ, who honored us by His death and resurrection.
Have a blessed Easter!
HI ,
A tune had been playing in my mind today. I didn’t know it was from psalm 19. Yes I will try to memorise the words now.
I enjoyed your story.
Thank you.
Thank you Brian for sharing your very real feelings and testimony of the powerof God and His word! Thank you for all you do to save unborn children! And thank you for sharing Gods love to all!!
Thank you for sharing this and have a happy Easter! God bless you!
I am glad you’re doing so well and rejoice that you meditate in His Word. Please consider that we are to abandon and not imitate the ways the heathen celebrate their gods as instructed in Deuteronomy 12:28-32. He gave us His feasts to celebrate for all generations in Leviticus 23.… Read more »
thank you for sharing that text with us
A blessed Easter to you and your family
Thank you for obeying His call.
Thank you for sharing your story and your honest thoughts! I read book on dealing with disappointments in a Biblical way and the author said that sometimes God allows us to go through the same hardships as the rest of the world to put us on display, so everyone can… Read more »
Carol – He is risen indeed!
Thanks for your wonderful witness and your faithfulness as a single mom.
God bless you Brian. I also have two stents in the widow maker of my heart, though mine was the result of a heart attack. My heart stopped three times on the way to the hospital, but I’m still here by the Grace of God. My second son was supposed… Read more »
Patricia – what a powerful story! Thank you for your faithfulness at delivering your son, even through severe health complications. What an awesome testimony to a great God. Happy Easter –
Thank you for all you do in this life. I can’t believe how low America has come, but it is biblical. It thrills me to know that all those babies that the enemy has killed here on earth are not really dead! One day, we who are awaiting His coming,… Read more »
Thank you sir for all the wonderful things you do for the unborn children and for the beautiful message about Easter! God bless you !
And you as well, Pamela!
May God bless and encourage you as we serve the Lord of LIFE!! Yes, it’s Friday…but Sunday’s comin’!
Thank you for your Easter message…so touching.
Brian, Thank you for sharing your story. It was a blessing to me and thank you for being willing to listen to Him and follow His calling for your life. You have achieved your purpose by listening to what He wants from you. Life can be hard and cruel and… Read more »
Thank you for your honesty. I too have felt alone or betrayed by God when I had to have a diseased left kidney removed a few years ago. I didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. I drank water, cranberry juice or lemonade. I prayed like the dickens for healing but… Read more »
Powerful story, Catherine, and thanks for sharing. You suffered far more than I and I suspect you handled it better. And yes, children are a magnificent blessing – all the time!
Wow, Psalm 19 is one of the Psalms I use to command my day”to speak good things,according to the will of the Lord. ” my heart was crushed when the abolish human abortion bill in Oklahoma was rejected because the president of”right to life” in Oklahoma, thought it was to… Read more »
I have been suffering from physical illness off and on for two years. I have laid on the floor crying out to GOD for help, and when I perceived he didn’t answer with return to health, I knew i was doing something wrong. This Lent I have begun to be… Read more »
Thank you very much for this inspiring and moving story of what you went through. The Lord says he knows what plans he has in his mind for you and me. He declares, plans for peace not for disaster, to give you and me a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11.… Read more »
Thank you Brian for sharing your story and for sharing Scriptures with us. And thank you for all your work to help save and protect the unborn. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Happy Easter!
Thank you for those inspiring words and Psalm 19. Have a blessed Easter.
Thank you Brian for this inspiring words. As I was reading your message my husband is taking a walk in the desert here in Arizona and was sending me photos of a mountain which is rugged and has cacti on it. I thought as I read your words how similar… Read more »
GREAT metaphor Diana. I’ve been to AZ and also enjoyed the amazing nature views, rugged and redeemed alike!
Thank you for sharing Brian, for your honesty and open spirit. You and all pro-lifers are in my prayers daily. To God be the glory. Blessings to you and your family. Numbers 6:24-26.
I am 77 years of age. Your story is the classic example of the true beginnings of humility in an individual. God has blessed you indee that true humility came to you at such an early age. Your life’s work is truly amazing. God has indeed blessed you, Brian. I… Read more »
Thanks Joe. I think I have a loooonnngg way yet to go on this humility journey, but I trust God’s timing! Blessings –
I really like the idea here of God’s sovereignty. He was able to miraculously heal you, Brian, from your heart disease, yet He walked with you through the process of medical intervention because His purposes were different. In the same way, he is able to heal a pre-born child from… Read more »
You’re welcome, Dave. Blessings to you and your family in Mexico!
Thank you Brian for all that you do for the preborn and families in the midst of crisis pregnancies! All of us can work together – if we are sick, bedridden, incapacitated, we can turn our suffering into powerful prayer, united with the suffering of God’s Son for us. Joyous… Read more »
Amen, Pam, and a Happy Easter to you and yours!
God Bless You Brian and thank you for this beautiful meditation on this Good Friday. May you have a blessed Easter!
And you as well, Barbara. Good Friday is Good News, and Sunday is on the way!
Thank you Brian for sharing such inspiring and intimate reflections on your journey of faith, hope and love. Our Lord works wonders as His plan of salvation is at work through His faithful servants. May this Easter Season still continue to draw souls nearer to His love, sacrifice and promise… Read more »
Amen, Wendi. All of us should join you in your prayer.
Thank you for your story, Brian! It was so enlightening for all of us to read your thoughts and truthful feelings. God does work in mysterious ways, doesn’t He? Thank you for sharing with us who all endure some sort of struggle in this life. God Bless you for all… Read more »
He does indeed, Gwen. And thanks for the kind words!
Thank you. What a beautiful post. And yes. He came that we might live. A King who dies for His servants. He serves us. WOW. Happy Easter.
And to you as well! He is Risen!
He is risen indeed!