
“Tami” Felt Trapped

Tami Main LD

The last thing “Tami” needed or wanted was to be pregnant. As a single parent, she was struggling to raise the children she already had. And her situation was complicated by the fact that she thought she was done having children. So when her doctor confirmed her pregnancy, her heart sank.

She began searching online for abortion information. She ultimately reached out to our national Contact Center, and a call agent compassionately listened to her and scheduled an immediate appointment for Tami at our women’s care clinic.

About to Lose Her Housing

During her initial appointment, Tami confided in her counselor that she’d just lost her job, she was about to lose her housing, and she felt totally desperate. She didn’t know how she was going to care for herself and the children she already had, much less one more. As the primary caregiver and provider in her family, nothing seemed to be working out for Tami. Abortion was not her first choice. However, she felt it was the best of the worst possible solutions.

While at the clinic, Tami received an ultrasound and was able to see her baby’s arms and legs and wiggling. As our staff compassionately encouraged her and shared about the support and resources available to her, Tami began considering other avenues for her baby.

Even though she could not afford to raise her child, she knew she could still give her child a good life and home through adoption. With our clinic staff addressing Tami’s concerns and circumstances, she felt empowered to choose life and adoption!

Christ-Centered Care and Practical Needs

It’s through your ongoing support that Tami felt supported and loved enough to choose life for her baby. Thank you for giving so generously to our mission of serving families and rescuing children from abortion. On behalf of Tami and her child, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women. We truly appreciate you!