
“Maddie” felt distraught and stressed

Maddie Main LD

“Maddie” was determined to create a better life for herself and her child. She was in a new relationship and hopeful that she wouldn’t have to live with her family much longer. She’d even been saving money, so she could move into her own place. However, a positive home pregnancy test left her feeling distraught, stressed, and worried that her plans would no longer be attainable.

Maddie and her boyfriend wanted to keep their baby

When Maddie came into the women’s care clinic, she shared with her counselor her fear that if she continued with the pregnancy, she would have to put her plans on hold indefinitely. Feeling overwhelmed, she didn’t think she could handle another setback. However, as she and her counselor talked, Maddie admitted that even though she was upset about the pregnancy, she really didn’t want to get an abortion. She also shared that her boyfriend wanted her to keep the baby.

Maddie came back for a free ultrasound

Maddie’s counselor compassionately listened to Maddie and encouraged her to take some time to think about it before making a final decision. The counselor also encouraged Maddie to come back to the clinic for a free ultrasound and offered to meet with her to work on ideas for reaching her goals while keeping her baby.

A few weeks later, Maddie and her boyfriend came back. They were able to see their baby moving on the ultrasound monitor. And over the next several weeks, our clinic staff met with Maddie multiple times, encouraging her as she struggled to come to grips with changing her dreams and future plans. As Maddie took the time to think about her decision and as she listened to her boyfriend’s and counselor’s supportive encouragement, she found the courage to follow her heart’s desire and chose life for her precious baby.

Christ-centered care and practical needs

It’s through your ongoing support that Maddie felt supported and loved enough to choose life for her baby. Thank you for giving so generously to our mission of serving families and rescuing children from abortion. On behalf of Maddie and her child, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women. We truly appreciate you!