
Homeless with Four Young Children

Gabrielle Main LD

In the summer of 2018, Human Coalition’s virtual clinic began taking calls. The first call we received came from “Gabrielle,” a single, homeless mother of four young children. She explained that she was pregnant with her fifth child, the father of the baby was no longer involved, and she was overwhelmed and desperate.

Gabrielle loved being a mom; however, her living situation was unstable, and Gabrielle felt like she had nowhere to turn. She was considering aborting this baby because she knew that another child would only add to the stress of her situation. So, she searched online for abortion information and ultimately chose to contact Human Coalition’s virtual clinic.

After Seeing Her Baby

Our virtual clinic nurse encouraged Gabrielle to go to a life-affirming pregnancy center to receive a free ultrasound, and she agreed. After seeing her baby on the ultrasound monitor, Gabrielle decided to choose life. However, despite our attempts to make many follow-up calls, our staff could not reach Gabrielle. Several months passed before Gabrielle reached out to us again. And then she explained that she hadn’t had cell phone service since her first appointment.

Christ-Centered Care

Immediately after speaking with Gabrielle, our Continuum of Care team jumped into action, connecting her with housing options, Christmas presents for her children, and even supplies for the new baby. Gabrielle’s little boy was the virtual clinic’s first child rescued and first birth! And our team continues to help Gabrielle as she prepares to go to work while raising her five children.

We are so excited about our new virtual clinic! It is reaching abortion-minded mothers like Gabrielle, getting them immediate consultations and help from our nurses. Through this new and innovative program, women in crisis are receiving help and choosing life.