
Reach, Rescue, Restore

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher


How does the Gospel impact what we do to reach the planning to abort woman and her family? To bring abortion to an end in America, we cannot wait for those who are seeking an abortion to find us. We must find them. Often, the abortion-minded woman doesn’t even know that we exist or that there is help available to her, so she can choose life.

This is why our marketing outreach is so important. By adopting a missional mind-set, we locate the planning to abort woman first. Just like someone had to tell you about the love of Christ and the eternal life you can have through Him, we want to tell the planning to abort woman she is not alone and there is help available to her—so that she feels empowered to choose life for her preborn child.

Through our marketing outreach efforts and our national Contact Center at Human Coalition, we are able to use the best technology available to reach the actively seeking to abort woman and her family—providing hope, help and support to choose life.

Using Technology

Our marketing outreach team leverages Internet technology, automation software, advanced data, online and offline marketing, and marketing intelligence to locate and connect with women and families who are at high risk to abort. We also assist at-risk women through our national Contact Center, which is staffed with paid, trained call agents who are committed to converting inbound calls, chats, and texts from at-risk women and men into kept appointments.

Once women who are high-risk to abort have contacted us, we are able to assess their needs and struggles as we talk with them and evaluate their situations.


The next step in the process is rescue. And just like the Gospel drives us to reach out, it also drives us to rescue those who are being oppressed. We rescue because we ourselves have been rescued by Christ.

While our primary goal is to rescue the preborn child, we are equally concerned about rescuing the entire family. As a mother is moved from a life of dependence to independence and given skills to obtain a job and provide for herself and child, her value is restored. She is now able to see a way through her crisis, and she can choose life for her preborn child. The same is true for the father of the baby. As his self-worth and parenting skills are increased through visits to our women’s care clinic, he can see a way to keep and raise his child.

The Need to Grow

Like any other rescue system, we must grow and expand. Most cities have police departments, fire stations, and hospitals. We know our women’s care clinics, mobile clinics, and virtual clinics are needed in strategic places – just like any other rescue system.

One way we are making ourselves more available is through our virtual clinic. Women can call our virtual clinic and immediately receive a consultation and help from one of our nurses. Through this new and innovative program, even more women in crisis are receiving help and choosing life.


Once we’ve reached and then rescued the woman, child, and family from abortion, our next goal is restoration. It means “to return to the original intended state,” or “to return what has been lost or unjustly stolen.” Whenever a child and family are rescued from the pain of abortion, there is an opportunity for healing and restoration to take place. God desires that we be restored to a place of healing and salvation through Him. And since He made each of us in His image, He desires that none of us should perish.

Creating a Partnership

While the work of restoration is initiated by the Creator, it often involves a partnership with people. You may have heard the saying, “Being Jesus with skin on.” Well, people need people. They need to receive support, kindness, and help from others. And as hurting women find the help and support they need through our Continuum of Care program, they discover they can choose LIFE, which ultimately restores their hope. When a woman knows she doesn’t have to go through the pregnancy alone, she feels hopeful about the future. When issues such as how to afford diapers or housing, or how to find a job are resolved, the option to choose life becomes easier. It is God’s intended purpose that preborn children be born. It isn’t a mistake that they are to be born at this specific time in history.

Unfortunately, the pro-life movement is under attack due to the misperception that we care only about saving the life of the baby. However, the truth is we rescue children by restoring their mother’s confidence, value, equality, and position in society, because we know that all humans are made in the image of God. And it is His desire – and ours – that preborn babies be given the opportunity to live.

Engaging the Church

Another key component to restoration is engaging the Church in outreach and mentorship. As the Church comes alongside new mothers and fathers, it provides a support system. That support and help is a significant part of God’s plan for His Church. As the body of Christ works together, we bring glory to God and restoration to the body of Christ.

We know that to end abortion in America, we must first reach those who don’t know about us, rescue the vulnerable, and restore the family. And we will continue to do so until abortion becomes unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime.