“Lauren” was desperate. When she became homeless, she had to give her children to her family. Desperate for a source of income, Lauren turned to prostitution and stripping to survive.
And then she got the news: she was pregnant! She thought, Pregnant? How can I be pregnant? Life is already so overwhelming and unmanageable. How can I bring a baby into this situation?
She reached out to the baby’s father to let him know she was pregnant, hoping that maybe she’d find the support she so desperately needed. But he was furious and told her she needed to abort.
Thankfully, Lauren found our women’s care clinic. When she came into the office, she was tearful, torn, and nervous. Facing an unexpected pregnancy in an already devastating time in her life was overwhelming. She couldn’t believe her life had gotten so far off track. She was stuck and sinking more into hopelessness every day. She didn’t know what to do to turn things around.
As our staff compassionately listened to Lauren and encouraged her, she agreed that even though she wasn’t sure what she was going to do about the pregnancy, she would come back for an ultrasound. Our staff continued reaching out to Lauren and helped her get food and housing. They connected her to a food bank and local pregnancy home where she was able to have a safe place to live.
Excited about her future for the first time in a long time, she began working on her GED. Having a safe place to live; clothing, food and other practical help; along with encouragement and support completely turned Lauren’s life around. In addition, our staff put Lauren in contact with the Harriet Tubman Movement, which helped her get out of prostitution.
A month after our first appointment with Lauren, she shared that she’d not only chosen life for her baby, but decided to parent as well. She attended our parenting classes and was excited to receive clothing, diapers, and bottles for her baby.
It’s because of your ongoing support that Lauren felt loved enough to choose life for her baby and turn her own life around. On behalf of Lauren, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women and their families. We truly appreciate you!