
The Odds Were Stacked Against “Julia” in Every Way

Life Decision Web

The circumstances surrounding “Julia’s” pregnancy were extremely difficult. If in the same situation, most women would choose to get an abortion right away. The odds were stacked against her in every way imaginable.

Even before her pregnancy, Julia was scared, struggling with depression, and trying her best to take care of her 1-year-old child, “Lynn.” Now pregnant, the circumstances were really taking a toll on her, until it became too much.

At first, Julia tried running from the situation. She moved in with a family member to re-evaluate how to move forward. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out, and she soon moved back out on her own. Finally, she decided she had no other choice but to look for an abortion.

While searching for abortion information online, Julia found Human Coalition, and called the Contact Center. Almost immediately, Julia was connected to one of our Virtual Clinic nurses, and within the first conversation, the nurse worked to build a relationship with her and learn more about her situation.

Julia recalled that during the first conversation, she felt sure that she wanted to get an abortion. She had not been to a doctor and didn’t want to receive an ultrasound, because she couldn’t bear the thought of developing a connection with a child she planned to abort. Still, the nurse provided Julia information on a nearby pregnancy resource center, in the hopes she would consider life for her child. Julia remembered that she felt very comfortable talking to the nurse about her circumstances.

“Then one day it just clicked…”

In the days that followed, the conversation with the nurse stuck in her mind, and Julia began to reconsider her decision.

She talked to her mom, who encouraged her to choose life and told her that God would be with her to guide her through anything. She also did more research on what happened to the preborn child during an abortion, and began feeling more and more uncomfortable with the procedure. As she wrestled with the decision, the Virtual Clinic staff continued to reach out and reassure her that the whole team at Human Coalition would be behind her and ready to walk with her and her family.

In recalling the day she decided to choose life for her child, Julia said, “Then one day it just clicked to me, and I thought, ‘you can do this, you just have to believe you can.’”

She decided to go into a clinic to have an ultrasound and meet her baby for the first time.

Julia said, “It made me cry, because it was my first time seeing her… after I saw her, it really did something to me.”

She talked more to the nurses at the clinic about her situation and the resources they could provide. She said, “I didn’t expect to open up to a bunch of strangers… [but] those women gave me a different perspective on life.”

A few months later, Julia gave birth to her second daughter, “Leah.”

While it is challenging being a single mom to two girls, Julia says it is getting easier by the day. Human Coalition has continued walking with her every step of the way, and has helped connect her to government resources, such as Medicaid. The Virtual Clinic staff has also been working with her to find employment and daycare options – even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every time the Virtual Clinic staff talks to her, they can see the love that she has for her two girls pouring out.

Julia told the staff, “I just want to help anybody out there who feels like they can’t do it… I’m just so thankful for [the Virtual Clinic staff] for keeping in contact with me.”

Delivering Life-saving Care, in a Virtual Environment

Our data shows that connecting a mom to care quickly is one of the most important factors in rescuing the child. That’s why the Virtual Clinic is so important and so successful in rescuing children.

With your support, the Virtual Clinic rapidly serves women in desperate need of assistance – and walks with them long after the crisis as passed. At the Virtual Clinic, the time between a mom calling and a mom receiving care is a matter of minutes – not hours or days.

In this case, the Virtual Clinic was almost immediately able to begin counseling and care for Julia. And it made all the difference. It meant life for her child, Leah.

I hope you are encouraged by this story, and the impact that your gifts are making in the lives of women and families. If you want to help other moms like Julia, click here: www.humancoalition.org/save-a-child

Thank you for you dedicated support of preborn children and their families!