Life can be really hard sometimes … And challenges can sway our decision-making in powerful ways.
And that’s why the work you’re doing in the lives of moms like “Skylar” is so important.
The doctor had just confirmed it … she was pregnant. And she was now in crisis.
Racing home, she grabbed her laptop and searched online for an abortion.
Thoughts of “It’s not yet time” – “We aren’t ready” – “We’re not financially set up yet” raced through her mind as she frantically typed.
This was Skylar’s first pregnancy. Having only told the father of the baby, he advised her to abort, saying it wasn’t the right time. Another driving factor was that he didn’t want to bring a baby into an environment where there could be struggle due to limited finances.
Skylar ended up dialing the Human Coalition contact center after seeing an ad online. She became interested in her options as she listened to all that the Continuum of Care program could assist her with. They could connect her with resources such as housing, essentials for her baby, employment assistance, and more. These were the very things that were causing her to think an abortion was necessary.
Maybe we could become ready and parent a child well after all with these resources …
Crying as she spoke into the phone, Skylar told the nurse her deepest fear:
“I don’t want to make the wrong decision, not being able to have a baby again, and the emotional and physical damage.”
Skylar’s story continues…
Skylar’s thoughts and concerns were valid. Though the nurse comforted her, she also wanted her to understand that regret from this decision is real. Was she ready to make that decision? What if her circumstances were to suddenly change for the better? What if things didn’t have to remain as they were?
Both Skylar and her boyfriend were in school part-time and working full-time. She was pursuing a degree in sonography. With that in mind, the nurse encouraged her that their financial state would improve as they actively worked toward their goals. There was time to plan for their future, and their current circumstances didn’t have to remain what they were. Skylar was connected to a social worker through the Continuum of Care program. The Continuum of Care team worked together with Skylar to change her circumstances for the better and provide her with the hope and encouragement that she needed.
Skylar began to feel encouraged and could see a future with their baby.
She reflected on what it would be like to perform ultrasounds for other expecting mothers when she herself would potentially never know what her baby could have become. Flashes of that possibility ran through her mind. Would she be able to handle that, emotionally and mentally? That would be her daily reality at work, and her decision could become a daily regret.
Skylar soon had an appointment where her own ultrasound was performed. She and her boyfriend came to the conclusion that abortion was still the best option for them at that time. During the ultrasound, the baby was not visible, so she was scheduled a follow-up appointment.
Returning to the Human Coalition pregnancy center she had visited the week prior, she hoped her baby would appear on the sonogram. Looking at the screen, she nervously waited.
Her baby then appeared, fully alive with a beating heart. Hearing her baby’s heartbeat, her demeanor changed. No longer was this choice just about her or her boyfriend’s wishes. There was an actual life inside of her that she felt a responsibility to grow and nurture. This child had rights, dreams, and wishes too. The decision felt much more difficult now.
Looking up at the nurse she said, “I have to talk to my boyfriend tonight.”
Skylar and her boyfriend had goals and ambitions, but she wondered why their baby couldn’t be a part of them? If her boyfriend could be on the same page as her, she was sure they’d be able to make this work.
Days went by and many conversations were had. When her social worker reached out, Skylar and her boyfriend were still trying to figure things out. She leaned on the support of her social worker and nurse and didn’t give up.
Another week went by; Skylar and her boyfriend confidently came to their final decision: LIFE.
The Continuum of Care social worker continued to regularly check in with Skylar throughout her pregnancy to make sure her needs were fully met.
Months later she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy. Three days after he was born, Skylar stopped by the center to introduce him. Her nurse and social worker were the first people she told about her pregnancy, and Skylar remained encouraged the whole way through it. She felt so proud of herself for choosing life for her baby boy.
There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for him!