
Be Encouraged By Chad Hennings


Chad Hennings is a former Air Force pilot and a 3x Superbowl champion with the Dallas Cowboys. Most importantly, Chad is a follower of Jesus who seeks to glorify Him in all he does ā€”ā€“ including through protecting children and moms from the tragedy of abortion.

He wanted to encourage you today and remind you of your lifesaving impact. So, I hope you’ll watch his message for you today.

Thank you for your commitment to rescuing children through caring for moms.

Like Chad, you are an incredible advocate for life, and Iā€™m grateful for you!

Clark Costa,
Vice President of Development

P.S. ā€” Don’t forget that the $750,000 year-end Challenge Grant means you can help rescue TWICE as many children from abortion today. Will you consider giving a gift right now? www.HumanCoalition.org/End-Of-Year