
Why I Love Human Coalition with Janet Custer (PRC Director)

You are giving partner pregnancy resource centers around the country the tools to reach more moms facing unexpected pregnancies. With your support, these centers are helping moms seeking abortions see they have a better choice than abortion: the choice of life. I’d love for you to meet a director of one of these centers, Janet Custer. In this special video, you will see how your support is bringing the pro-life movement together and as a result, rescuing more children from being killed. There are many great pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers in America. And by all working together, the pro-life movement can defeat Planned Parenthood — and protect more children in the womb from death. If you would like to give more partner pregnancy resource centers around the country the tools to reach more moms facing crisis pregnancies, be sure to give here today: https://www.HumanCoalition.org/donate/Save-A-Child/