New York Times:  A Reasonable Response

New York Times: A Reasonable Response

Lauren Enriquez, Human Coalition’s Public Relations Manager, is a fantastic thinker, writer, and defender of preborn children, their moms, and their families. On Monday, the New York Times published one of Lauren’s op-eds entitled “How the New Feminist Resistance...
Is Pro-Life Anti-Woman?

Is Pro-Life Anti-Woman?

The false narrative that being pro-woman means you have to support abortion rights, right? Wrong! It seems nearly impossible to turn on the news and not see images of violent protests taking place somewhere in America. Whether they’re fueled by election results,...
The Church’s Necessary Response to Abortion

The Church’s Necessary Response to Abortion

Have you ever heard someone say something like this when it comes to the topic of abortion and whether churches ought to be involved in pro-life issues: “Church leaders shouldn’t talk about abortion because the Bible doesn’t mention the word abortion. It’s a political...
The Women’s March… Not So Pro-Women

The Women’s March… Not So Pro-Women

By now you’ve probably heard about the “Women’s March” that took place the day after Donald Trump was sworn in as president. The stated goal of this march was to send a message to the new administration that “Women’s rights are human rights.” This doesn’t sound so...
Year of Hope

Year of Hope

I love the word hope. It is such a wonderful, optimistic word. It inspires, encourages, and motivates. It makes me smile. It has been the subject of countless songs, hymns, poems, sonnets, movies, and books. Hope is also a fabulous female name. Like the word love, the...