The Points of Proof for Life:  Scientific

The Points of Proof for Life: Scientific

This is part 1 of a 4 part series. See the rest of the Points of Proof articles in the series here. In 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court made abortion on demand legal in all fifty states, science was lagging behind what pro-life individuals already knew to be true:...
What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human?

At Human Coalition, we believe every human being is uniquely made in the image of God. We recognize that each life holds God-given value and unlimited potential, and deserves to be protected. These are not just our opinions; they are facts undergirded by scientific,...
How to answer when asked why you’re pro-life

How to answer when asked why you’re pro-life

You’re Pro-life…Why? I’ve made it a habit to engage pro-abortion arguers on social media and my blog. It’s good practice for me, and I genuinely enjoy the debates. You might think that’s a bit odd. But when you consider there is no logical pro-abortion argument, the...
Big Announcement

Big Announcement

Have you heard the news? Going forward, Human Coalition (HC) will now be known as Human Coalition. The name change also reflects a holistic approach to the mission of ending abortion in cities across America by rescuing children and serving families. We’re so excited...
This Easter, I’m reminded of God’s glory…

This Easter, I’m reminded of God’s glory…

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. My LAD artery (the so-called “widow maker”) was 95 percent blocked, and I was apparently fairly close to having a heart attack. Thanks to my very observant general practitioner, I was quickly put through...