by Brian Fisher | Oct 28, 2015 | News
A Story Worth Telling The very first Human Coalition baby was rescued from abortion on June 22, 2010. A young woman and her fiancé went online in search of abortion information, and HC was able to reach them before they went to the abortion clinic. We directed them to...
by Brian Fisher | Sep 24, 2015 | Politics, Social Justice
This past Saturday morning I received news that no one wants to hear. Moriah, the 2-year-old granddaughter of a new friend of mine, passed away of natural causes. Moriah went to sleep on earth and woke up in the arms of her Creator. I was heartbroken and sent a quick...
by Brian Fisher | Sep 2, 2015 | Social Justice
There is an old business maxim that says, “Every organization embodies the characteristics of its leader.” This is true for any organized group, whether it’s a family, church, nonprofit, business, or nation. To some degree, we who follow cannot help but take on some...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 26, 2015 | News
“Welcome to pre-kindergarten.” Kourtnee and thirty-four other children will hear those words for the first time this fall. But these aren’t your average almost five-year-olds. They are Human Coalition children—some of the first preborn babies who were rescued from...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 19, 2015 | Faith, Social Justice
I was rereading some of my recent articles to you, and it struck me that I always seem to be writing to you from an airplane. Happily, today I’m sitting at my desk in the Human Coalition office, which means I have elbowroom, food, and my feet firmly planted on the...