by Brian Fisher | Aug 12, 2015 | News
Every day in Grapevine, Texas, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the two cities where HC owns and operates a women’s care clinic, more and more abortion-determined women are reaching out to us for help. Unfortunately, many of them have limited resources, which prevents...
by Brian Fisher | Jul 22, 2015 | Social Justice
As I wrote in the previous two installments in this series, an estimated 57 million preborn human beings have been killed in America in just the last 42 years. That’s roughly 1.3 million a year, 108,000 per month, 3,600 per day, or 2.5 human beings per minute. Why...
by Brian Fisher | Jul 16, 2015 | Social Justice
I was sitting on a plane en route to Charlotte, North Carolina, on Tuesday morning, when I heard the news: the nation’s largest abortion clinic, Planned Parenthood, had been caught on video admitting they provide aborted baby parts to third parties, including stem...
by Brian Fisher | Jul 15, 2015 | Social Justice
As I wrote in the first installment of this series, an estimated 57 million preborn human beings have been killed in America in just the last 42 years. That’s roughly 1.3 million a year, 108,000 per month, 3,600 per day, or 2.5 human beings per minute. Based on these...
by Brian Fisher | Jul 8, 2015 | Social Justice
Americans are obsessed with identifying discrimination. Race, gender, disability, age, religion, and any number of other classifications are constantly under the media’s microscope, as we carefully and aggressively search for signs of anyone being treated unfairly....