by Brian Fisher | Dec 2, 2014 | News
Jessica and I have a dinnertime family tradition with our boys that we call “One Thing.” While we eat, each of us shares either one thing from the day that was particularly meaningful, or something we are thankful for. This special time of the day allows us to pause,...
by Brian Fisher | Nov 18, 2014 | Social Justice
As I travel across the country and speak to thousands of pro-life Americans, I encounter a recurring theme: many people claim to be pro-life; but when pressed, they admit to doing very little to advance the cause of LIFE. In many cases, they have been silenced into...
by Brian Fisher | Nov 17, 2014 | Stories
I never tire of hearing from mothers whose lives have been changed because of Human Coalition. When we came alongside DeAnn on the Internet, she was searching for abortion information in her neighborhood. A young single mom whose life was turned upside down by...
by Brian Fisher | Nov 11, 2014 | News
Multiply Life is on a mission to help engage and equip the Church to promote and defend the sacredness of human life. As an initiative of Human Coalition, Multiply Life reaches out to church leaders and their congregants, encouraging them to get involved in our...
by Brian Fisher | Oct 26, 2014 | Apologetics, Faith, Social Justice
“Evil prevails when good men do nothing.” So said Irish philosopher Edmund Burke, or something close. Abortion is the greatest moral evil of our generation. Responsible for killing 3,500 unborn children every day and 56 million since 1973, it has wreaked havoc on the...