by Brian Fisher | May 8, 2014 | News
What does motherhood mean to you? Sacrifice? Unconditional love? Life’s highest calling? At Human Coalition we’re in the business of helping mothers — before and after they give birth — to realize and welcome this unique calling in their lives. We know that not every...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 29, 2014 | Faith, News
Each year on May 1 — just two days away — the National Day of Prayer, praying citizens across America join together to pray in one voice on behalf of our country and its leaders, as well as for spiritual revival. We invite you and your church to dedicate your efforts...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 15, 2014 | News
What if we celebrated Tax Day? April 15. The day looms over most American workers like a brewing storm. This is the one day of the year when many individuals and families across the country must pay what they owe to Uncle Sam. This annual ritual can create a sense of...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 8, 2014 | News, Social Justice
“While Americans flock to churches to receive their brand of ‘feel-good’ preaching, innocent lives are being lost to abortion…” Since its launch earlier this year, the Human Coalition Podcast has become a leading voice in addressing the cultural impact of...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 5, 2014 | Stories
Because I know you’re someone who’s committed to helping rescue unborn babies from abortion, I’m sure you’ll agree that reading accounts of how babies have been saved from abortion never gets old. At Human Coalition, we wish we could share with you the backstory of...