
Sermon: American Christianity and the Kingdom of God

I recently had the opportunity to speak at Christ Community Church in Frisco, Texas about the topic of abortion and how it is affecting the American Church. Here is an excerpt from the sermon. You can listen to the sermon in its entirety by clicking “play”...
My Body, My Choice

My Body, My Choice

This is the third in an article series responding to commonly used pro-abortion slogans. As I mentioned in my previous articles, the recent debate in Austin, Texas, over an expansive legislative prolife bill revealed some of the most common and misunderstood...
Abortion Is A Women’s Issue

Abortion Is A Women’s Issue

This is the second in a series of articles designed to respond to the common slogans and arguments advanced by abortion supporters and activists. Gov. Perry Signs the Abortion Law – What’s Next? ”Abortion Is a Women’s Issue” is perhaps the most popular and...