by Brian Fisher | Jun 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes Is it one of ours? Is rescuing children from abortion more important than other vital ministries of the Church? Is it more important than homeless ministry, marriage counseling, or capital campaigns? The answer is yes. Let’s say you’re...
by Brian Fisher | May 21, 2019 | Faith
Estimated Read Time: 3.5 minutes Last month on the blog, we confronted the reality that it’s our job as believers to end abortion. Today, I want to explore why it’s also urgent that we end abortion. Practically speaking, our faith demands that we rescue a preborn...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
You are unfit to have a child, so you will not be granted a permit to have one. You don’t earn enough money and you have a genetic disease; therefore, you don’t qualify for a permit to have a child. You are not the right type of person, and your spouse isn’t smart...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 8, 2019 | Faith
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes Every January, pro-life legislators in Washington introduce token legislation they know won’t pass. Some churches across the country remind their congregations of the sanctity of human life from the pulpit; while others tentatively print...
by Brian Fisher | Mar 4, 2019 | FAQ, Social Justice
When we see news stories about politicians openly advocating for infanticide, aborted babies’ body parts being sold as a commodity, and various states pushing for late-term abortions, many of us are compelled to do more than donate to a pro-life organization or...