by Brian Fisher | Oct 30, 2018 | Politics, Social Justice
Some of you have written to tell me that you believe Planned Parenthood shouldn’t carry out abortions, but it needs to be supported because it provides vital health services to women. Some people feel Planned Parenthood’s presence is needed in low-income communities...
by Brian Fisher | Oct 9, 2018 | Social Justice
An injustice is happening right now in Dallas that demands our attention. The Afiya Center put up a billboard in Downtown Dallas, which reads: ABORTION IS SELF-CARE. Human Coalition has made it our mission to be change agents by boldly standing for life and reaching...
by Brian Fisher | Sep 20, 2018 | blog
We have a number of TV monitors installed in the Human Coalition offices here in Plano, Texas. Most of the time, the display on the TVs is a live count of the number of children who’ve been rescued from abortion through our cooperative work – either at our own...
by Brian Fisher | Sep 11, 2018 | blog
In classrooms nationwide, students receive a warm welcome from their teachers and principals. And while most look upon these classrooms as being filled with our nation’s future, I look at them as a poignant reminder that without Human Coalition and our co-laborers in...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 6, 2018 | blog
Recently, we received an email from one of our supporters, telling us that her daughter Lily was about to celebrate her 7th birthday. Instead of birthday gifts, Lily had asked her friends and family to bring her baby items to be donated to one of our women’s care...