by Lauren Enriquez | Nov 6, 2017 | News
For Immediate Release: October 16, 2017 Archbishop Charles Chaput Issues Letter of Support for Human Coalition CONTACT: Lauren Enriquez 214.295.7301 Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, presiding over the...
by Lauren Enriquez | Oct 18, 2017 | News, Politics
In 2013, Human Coalition released a mobile app allowing pro-life individuals and church groups to pray for Human Coalition’s abortion-seeking clients, who remain anonymous, in real time. The app, “Human Coalition,” was available for android devices in the Google Play...
by Lauren Enriquez | Oct 9, 2017 | News, Social Justice
“My lack of proximity to suffering is what marks me as different – the outlier in a world full of horror.” – D. L. Mayfield On August 25, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas. Alongside the rest of America, I turned to news reports and social media to follow the...
by Lauren Enriquez | Aug 2, 2017 | Apologetics, Social Justice
“Free abortion on demand and without apology.” This is the rallying cry of today’s staunchest abortion advocates. Self-identifying as feminists, these activists demand unfettered abortion rights, and they uphold abortion as a human right and social good. Without...
by Lauren Enriquez | Apr 27, 2017 | Politics, Social Justice
Openly discussing abortion with your family and peers is daunting, and that’s thanks in large part to the social taboo of broaching the subject outside the context of politics. The mainstream media and abortion advocates have succeeded in construing abortion as...