Partnering with Us in Prayer

Partnering with Us in Prayer

I read John 17 this morning. This chapter is known as Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. He prays for Himself, for His disciples, and for those who would believe in Him through the disciples’ fulfilling of the Great Commission. It is a marvelous prayer. Jesus had just...
Making the Season of Hope Last All Year Long

Making the Season of Hope Last All Year Long

I love this time of year – when things slow down, families gather, and the joys of life are seen and experienced. It’s a time of hope. Little kids hope that next Christmas present will be the toy they desperately want. Parents hope their children will grasp a little...
The Unexpected Blessings of Fatherhood

The Unexpected Blessings of Fatherhood

Growing up, I never really thought about being a dad. I was one of six boys with a Marine father and a tomboy mother. Our life revolved around sports, games, the great outdoors, and competition of any kind. Rarely did we discuss things like feelings, emotions, or...
The Case for Life: Degree of Dependency

The Case for Life: Degree of Dependency

Abortion supporters often claim that a baby’s inability to survive outside the mother’s womb should automatically justify abortion. The issue is that the child is still fully dependent on the mother, or, as it is sometimes explained, the fetus is not “viable.” There...