
Better off Dead?

“Do we really want to rescue babies from abortion, only to have them grow up in broken or abusive homes?  What if the child gets adopted into a drug-infested family?  What if the child is born with Down syndrome or some other deformity? We could save the...

Abortion is Not an “Issue”

Those of us who hold a pro-life worldview must be increasingly careful and wise about how we articulate our views, fight the War for Life, and invest our time and resources.  We must constantly remind ourselves that abortion is not an “issue” – it is...

Are We Really Pro-Life?

Many Americans say they are pro-life.  But do we really act like it?  Do our actions and behaviors support what we verbally claim? Some recent research suggests that younger generations of Americans are more pro-life than their parents.  Pro-life supporters have taken...

Pro Choice is a Myth, Part 3

This is the last part of the “Pro Choice is a Myth” series, and I want to thank you for the various responses you’ve sent in.  Your comments have made the commentary stronger, and I’m grateful that you take the time to write. If you missed the...

“Pro-Choice” is a Myth Part II

Last week I discussed the origins of the debilitating and deceiving phrase, “pro-choice.”  This “Name Game” phrase was intentionally crafted to mislead the public into believing that abortion was really about the “reproductive...

“Pro-Choice” is a Myth Part 1

As we engage in the Fight for Unborn Life in many different arenas, it is vital that we use words, phrases, and terminology with truthfulness and wisdom.  It is also essential that we unmask and tear down words and phrases that are meant to intentionally deceive and...