by Dean Nelson | Aug 4, 2014 | Faith, Social Justice
In honor of National Black History Month, the Reverend Dean Nelson joins me on the Human Coalition Podcast to discuss the crisis of abortion in urban communities, and its tragic impact on the African-American church. Did you know that more than 30 percent of abortions...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 3, 2014 | Apologetics, Faith
Simply Google the phrase “pro-choice Christian” and you will discover that millions of Americans have taken this position. So in the next two blog posts, we will explore the pro-abortion Christian position (I don’t use the term “pro-choice,” as it is misleading and...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 29, 2014 | Faith, News
Each year on May 1 — just two days away — the National Day of Prayer, praying citizens across America join together to pray in one voice on behalf of our country and its leaders, as well as for spiritual revival. We invite you and your church to dedicate your efforts...
by Brian Fisher | Mar 18, 2014 | Apologetics, Faith
Jeff looks back on the days just before his wedding with deep regret. “It was about four or five months into the engagement when we found out we were pregnant. We didn’t want to embarrass our family at the wedding. When you’re 20-something years old, you believe the...
by Brian Fisher | Nov 12, 2013 | Faith
I recently had the opportunity to speak at Christ Community Church in Frisco, Texas about the topic of abortion and how it is affecting the American Church. Here is an excerpt from the sermon. You can listen to the sermon in its entirety by clicking “play”...
by Brian Fisher | May 25, 2013 | Apologetics, Faith
Many in the pro-life community are surprised when they learn that some Christians are pro-abortion (some inexplicitly, others explicitly). We’ve been exploring this issue in the last several posts: Is it possible to be a Christian and hold to a pro-abortion view?...