by Jeff Bradford | Apr 19, 2022 | blog, Faith, Featured
Dear Friend, Here’s the reality we face: Every 30 seconds, another child is killed by abortion. But here’s another reality: Of the moms who come to Human Coalition seeking abortion, 76% say they would prefer to choose life IF their circumstances were different. That’s...
by Chelsey Youman | Apr 4, 2022 | blog, Faith, Featured
One question I’m often asked is how I feel about the future for preborn life in America. My answer is always the same. I feel hope. Over the past year, state legislatures across the country have passed incredible bills that protect preborn children and their families...
by Mona Wilson | Jan 18, 2022 | blog, Faith, Featured
A few years ago, some dear friends tragically lost their son. This past Mother’s Day at church, the mother came to find my husband and me after the service, collapsing into my arms in tears. We stood there, stroking her hair, holding her hands, as she...
by Jason Law | Oct 14, 2021 | blog, Faith, Featured
When it comes to the issue of life, there are two competing cultures in our world: the culture of life that says every human being has value and deserves protection; and the culture of death that says the only human...
by Lori Szala | Aug 26, 2021 | blog, Faith, Featured
One of the most common misconceptions about women facing an unexpected pregnancy is that they want to have an abortion. You hear it from the abortion industry all the time. They argue that abortion is “empowering.” They argue that abortion is...
by Jeff Bradford | Aug 2, 2021 | blog, Faith, Featured
Dear Friend, Welcome to your Human Connection digital newsletter! In this newsletter, you’ll find an amazing story of a family who was rescued thanks to your support, updates on what to look out for in future communications, and insights into how you can continue to...