COVID-19 Can’t Stop God’s Work

COVID-19 Can’t Stop God’s Work

Read Time: 5 minutes “For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37 (NKJV) This scripture from Luke 1:37 is a truth we knew before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold of our nation. It’s a verse many of us reference when facing challenges or adversity in life....
Our Fight Continues and We Press On

Our Fight Continues and We Press On

Read Time: 4 minutes As the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. continues to climb, and with federal, state and municipal governments taking decisive action to contain the virus’s spread, now is the time for Americans to rally around the values that define us and...
Pro-Life at the Polls

Pro-Life at the Polls

Read time: 7 minutes Several years ago, I read an article about a group of evangelical Christian women who were vocal about their support of an openly pro-abortion candidate.  The women did not agree with the opposing pro-life candidate about his stance on other...
2020 March For Life Highlights

2020 March For Life Highlights

Every year since 1974, thousands of pro-life activists from around the U.S. have marched from the National Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court protesting the landmark Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion. This year Human Coalition once again had the...