It’s Sanctity of Human Life Month…So What?

It’s Sanctity of Human Life Month…So What?

This month, as our nation turns its attention to the grim anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I’d like to address a troubling trend that seems to have taken hold in the pro-life movement. If you’ve been involved in the pro-life movement for any period of time, you’ve no doubt...

HC to Host Historic Prayer Gathering

On January 21, 2015, Human Coalition along with The Radiance Foundation and Bound for Life will host OneVoiceDC, the first ever non-denominational prayer and worship event at the 42nd annual March for Life. The event will begin at 7:00 PM at the Renaissance Hotel in...

CNBC says we need more babies. I have a solution.

Jake Novak published an article on CNBC.com entitled, “We need more babies! Seriously, this is a problem.” He claims that the declining birth rate in America for 6 straight years is “really bad news for our economy, our society, and all of civilization.” Novak...

I’d Like to Take a Moment to Say Thanks

Jessica and I have a dinnertime family tradition with our boys that we call “One Thing.” While we eat, each of us shares either one thing from the day that was particularly meaningful, or something we are thankful for. This special time of the day allows us to pause,...

Have you attended one of our speaking events?

Multiply Life is on a mission to help engage and equip the Church to promote and defend the sacredness of human life. As an initiative of Human Coalition, Multiply Life reaches out to church leaders and their congregants, encouraging them to get involved in our...