Gov. Perry Signs the Abortion Law—What’s Next?

Here in Texas we’ve experienced some tumultuous weeks leading up to the state legislature’s vote to ban abortion after 20 weeks’ gestation and to strengthen health and safety standards in abortion clinics across the state. But despite the unruly and often disruptive...

1,000 Babies Saved

June 26, 2013, marked a monumental milestone for Human Coalition—as well as for our generous supporters. Just a few days prior, Tara, a mother of two boys, discovered that she was pregnant. Stunned and scared, she began searching online for an abortion clinic in her...

Download the NEW Human Coalition iPhone App

There’s A New Human Coalition App Now available for most devices. Check it out at and start praying in real-time with thousands of others to see an end to abortion in America. At Human Coalition we strive to keep our growing number of supporters...

Planned Parenthood’s Clever New Messaging

As our nation commemorates the fortieth Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal in all fifty states, a recent Gallup poll suggests support for abortion rights is waning, particularly among young Americans, and that more people now regard themselves as...

Honoring The Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

40 years ago on Tuesday, marks a day that radically changed the course of American history. On January 22, 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of legalized abortion as a result of the cases involving Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. As a result, more than 53...