by Brian Fisher | Mar 24, 2016 | Faith, News
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. My LAD artery (the so-called “widow maker”) was 95 percent blocked, and I was apparently fairly close to having a heart attack. Thanks to my very observant general practitioner, I was quickly put through...
by Brian Fisher | Dec 23, 2015 | News
It’s the Christmas season once again! Recently, Jessica and I were looking through some old photos from Decembers past, and the changes in our two boys are remarkable. Our oldest son, Caleb, is a sophomore in high school; our youngest, Zachary, is in the 7th grade....
by Brian Fisher | Oct 28, 2015 | News
A Story Worth Telling The very first Human Coalition baby was rescued from abortion on June 22, 2010. A young woman and her fiancé went online in search of abortion information, and HC was able to reach them before they went to the abortion clinic. We directed them to...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 26, 2015 | News
“Welcome to pre-kindergarten.” Kourtnee and thirty-four other children will hear those words for the first time this fall. But these aren’t your average almost five-year-olds. They are Human Coalition children—some of the first preborn babies who were rescued from...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 12, 2015 | News
Every day in Grapevine, Texas, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the two cities where HC owns and operates a women’s care clinic, more and more abortion-determined women are reaching out to us for help. Unfortunately, many of them have limited resources, which prevents...
by Brian Fisher | Jun 24, 2015 | News
You’ve read the stories about babies and their families being rescued from abortion by Human Coalition. You know how we use online and offline marketing techniques to reach abortion-determined women and help connect them with a life-affirming clinic, where they...