by Brian Fisher | Jun 12, 2015 | News, Social Justice
One of our HC team members, Kari, is an excellent researcher. Every morning she pores over numerous news sites, online magazines, and aggregator sites; picks the top three or four pieces that will be the most helpful; and sends them to me. I’ve specifically...
by Dean Nelson | May 5, 2015 | Faith, News
Although we are witnessing daily attempts to remove all acknowledgement of God from the public square, throughout history our nation’s leaders have publicly called in the nation to cry out to God to ask for His blessing and forgiveness. Such proclamations were...
by Sean Martin | Feb 21, 2015 | News, Stories
As a father of children with special needs, I confess that I typically do not read books by parents with similar experiences. Such books often focus on the parents’ distress, and while they might help me feel less alone, few leave me encouraged. I’m happy to say that...
by Brian Fisher | Feb 15, 2015 | News, Social Justice
We are told by the media and our culture today that abortion is a woman’s issue and men should stay out of the debate. After all, abortion on demand empowers women, gives them options to navigate a “man’s world,” and allows them to throw off the shackles of an...
by Brian Fisher | Jan 27, 2015 | News, Politics
Follow-up post — The State of the Pro-Life Union: Responding to Your Questions As a somewhat introverted person, I’m normally not inclined to join a few hundred thousand people in a confined space and walk a few city blocks in 40-degree weather! But this year’s...
by Brian Fisher | Jan 20, 2015 | News, Social Justice
Despite decades of pro-abortion propaganda, a nationwide CNN poll last year revealed that 73 percent of Americans favor at least some legal restrictions on the practice. Thus, the overwhelming majority of Americans understand that the removal of a baby from the womb...