Be Encouraged. Be Renewed. Be Committed.

Be Encouraged. Be Renewed. Be Committed.

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes I’m energized! And I hope you are too. The staff and supporters at Human Coalition are working hard to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime, through both pro-life wins and pro-life losses. This spring we saw a burst...
Alabama Protects Preborn Children

Alabama Protects Preborn Children

Alabama is courageously challenging the abortion cartel in America.   I’m Brian Fisher, President of Human Coalition.  As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Alabama governor Kay Ivey just signed a historic pro-life bill into law. The Alabama Abortion...
Should We Fund Planned Parenthood?

Should We Fund Planned Parenthood?

Some of you have written to tell me that you believe Planned Parenthood shouldn’t carry out abortions, but it needs to be supported because it provides vital health services to women. Some people feel Planned Parenthood’s presence is needed in low-income communities...