
Are you a passive pro-lifer?

As I travel across the country and speak to thousands of pro-life Americans, I encounter a recurring theme: many people claim to be pro-life; but when pressed, they admit to doing very little to advance the cause of LIFE. In many cases, they have been silenced into...

Our Call to Care for Orphans

Meet “Joey.” Joey was born to a drug addict and has Down syndrome. An adoption agency places him in a foster home where he waits for months–maybe years–for his “forever family.” When a family sets out to adopt with a private agency, the wait is often...

The Courage to Confront Abortion

“Evil prevails when good men do nothing.” So said Irish philosopher Edmund Burke, or something close. Abortion is the greatest moral evil of our generation. Responsible for killing 3,500 unborn children every day and 56 million since 1973, it has wreaked havoc on the...