by Brian Fisher | Jan 15, 2020 | Faith, Social Justice
Each year we honor the incredible life and sacrifice of Martin Luther King Jr. The way he spoke on human dignity and fought for justice and equality transformed our nation. Reflecting on this remarkable man leads me to ask: What made his work so effective? And what...
by Brian Fisher | Aug 13, 2019 | Faith, Politics, Social Justice
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes In 1820, the Mason–Dixon line was named the boundary between the free states that prohibited the practice of slavery, and the slave states that permitted it. The split between North and South couldn’t have been starker. In slave states,...
by Brian Fisher | Jul 2, 2019 | Apologetics, Faith, Social Justice
Estimated Read Time: 5-6 minutes Believers know that abortion is a spiritual battle and that prayer is paramount in our efforts. We cannot end abortion without prayer. After all, our struggle is not against flesh and blood. But I think we all have the temptation at...
by Brian Fisher | Mar 4, 2019 | FAQ, Social Justice
When we see news stories about politicians openly advocating for infanticide, aborted babies’ body parts being sold as a commodity, and various states pushing for late-term abortions, many of us are compelled to do more than donate to a pro-life organization or...
by Brian Fisher | Oct 30, 2018 | Politics, Social Justice
Some of you have written to tell me that you believe Planned Parenthood shouldn’t carry out abortions, but it needs to be supported because it provides vital health services to women. Some people feel Planned Parenthood’s presence is needed in low-income communities...
by Brian Fisher | Oct 9, 2018 | Social Justice
An injustice is happening right now in Dallas that demands our attention. The Afiya Center put up a billboard in Downtown Dallas, which reads: ABORTION IS SELF-CARE. Human Coalition has made it our mission to be change agents by boldly standing for life and reaching...