by Brian Fisher | Jul 7, 2015 | Social Justice
I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July. Jessica, the boys and I celebrated by spending the day with friends, eating an assortment of Texas meats, swimming, and enjoying a few good laughs. I fell asleep before the fireworks but I heard they were great! In the midst...
by Brian Fisher | Jun 12, 2015 | News, Social Justice
One of our HC team members, Kari, is an excellent researcher. Every morning she pores over numerous news sites, online magazines, and aggregator sites; picks the top three or four pieces that will be the most helpful; and sends them to me. I’ve specifically...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 16, 2015 | Apologetics, Faith, Social Justice
I love books. Though I had to force myself to read when I was younger, I have grown to love a quiet room, a nice chair, and a great book. Although I occasionally like to get lost in a spy novel, most of my reading selections are non-fiction, and I tend towards books...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 9, 2015 | Social Justice
In the first installment of my two-part blog series, I discussed Margaret Sanger’s radical past, specifically how she embraced eugenics to cleanse the world of “inferior” races. In this continuing piece, I connect Sanger’s turn-of-the-century tactics to rid the world...
by Dean Nelson | Mar 22, 2015 | Social Justice, Stories
It’s Women’s History Month, yet another opportunity for abortion advocates to promote their cause by hijacking the legacy of God-fearing women. Planned Parenthood—whose use of the #blacklivesmatter hashtag raised more than a few eyebrows—decided to raise their irony...
by Brian Fisher | Mar 10, 2015 | Social Justice
According to CNBC’s Jake Novak, property taxes, welfare programs, and government regulations have all contributed to today’s parents having fewer children, thereby sinking America’s birthrate to a record low. × We need more babies! Seriously, this is a problem Read...