by Aniela Chis | Mar 6, 2024 | Featured, Uncategorized
The pro-life movement is driven by passionate people like you and me who want to stop abortion. Christians rightly know that God is the creator of life and that life begins at conception. However, we live in a world where people believe many different things. Abortion...
by admin | Feb 26, 2024 | Featured, Uncategorized
It’s often been asked: How is the pro-life movement providing long-term care beyond birth for both the mom and the baby? And does the pro-life movement care as equally about moms as they do about the birth of their children? These are good questions, so let’s...
by Brian Fisher | Jun 17, 2020 | blog, News, Politics, Social Justice, Uncategorized
Read Time: 4 minutes In the span of just a few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic was suddenly overshadowed, and our nation’s attention shifted to an issue all too familiar in our country: racism. Whether you look at slavery at the time of the...
by Brian Fisher | Jun 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes Is it one of ours? Is rescuing children from abortion more important than other vital ministries of the Church? Is it more important than homeless ministry, marriage counseling, or capital campaigns? The answer is yes. Let’s say you’re...
by Brian Fisher | Apr 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
You are unfit to have a child, so you will not be granted a permit to have one. You don’t earn enough money and you have a genetic disease; therefore, you don’t qualify for a permit to have a child. You are not the right type of person, and your spouse isn’t smart...
by Brian Fisher | May 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
I regularly tease my mother about a turning-point conversation she and I had when I was 7 years old. We were wandering around a local music store in Erie, Pennsylvania, and I proudly announced I wanted to learn to play the saxophone and the drums. I have no idea why I...