Make Choosing Life Possible:
Share the Love of Christ with the Next Mom Seeking an Abortion
She’s online right now… looking for answers about her unexpected pregnancy.
The next mom facing an unexpected pregnancy is anxious, nervous, worried. She was facing difficult challenges in her life already. But now she has this pregnancy to deal with on top of everything else.
She doesn’t want an abortion… But she doesn’t feel like choosing life is an option right now either.
She’s facing things like how to pay rent with a dead-end job. She’s conflicted about bringing another child into the world when she’s a single mom struggling to make it as it is. She likely doesn’t have the support of her family or friends. It’s no wonder that an abortion begins to feel like her only option.
No, the next mom seeking an abortion doesn’t need an abortion at all. She needs the love and compassion of Christ right now. She needs tangible help to overcome her trials. You see, it’s only when her immediate needs are met that she can slow down and think about the baby in her womb. With her burdens removed, she is free to think about what she really wants for her family.
And you can make that possible with your financial gift today. You can provide the next mom seeking an abortion an appointment at a life-affirming pregnancy center. There she will receive:
- A free ultrasound and the chance to hear her baby’s heartbeat
- Compassionate, life-affirming care from licensed healthcare professionals
- Access to tangible resources that will ease her burdens
That could change everything for her — and her child. Your gift today is the key that unlocks the possibility of choosing life for the next mom seeking an abortion.
Because something changes when moms see their child moving inside their tummy. Or when they get to hear their baby’s heart beating. A glimpse at the life within her ignites a flame of courage, removing the shadows of doubt in her mind.
You can be Christ’s hands and feet to the next mom seeking an abortion right now. You can be the reason she begins to see that an abortion is not necessary at all. You can be the reason she chooses life today!
And the beautiful thing is… as you provide for the next mom’s needs and help her overcome barriers to choosing life, you earn the right to be heard. This is where the door to sharing the Gospel is opened. Because you love Jesus, I know this aspect of this ministry means so much to you. Your desire is to not only help with physical needs, and save her baby from abortion, but to provide for the mom’s spiritual needs as well.
This is truly lifesaving and life-changing work. It’s a work of the heart inside of a mom that allows her to confidently choose life. And your gift today provides the spiritual care she needs too.
Once a mom experiences the sacrificial love of Christ through your generosity, she can feel the support system surrounding her. And that’s when the barriers to choosing life crumble to pieces.
With your gift today, you can share the love of Christ with the next mom seeking an abortion and make choosing life possible. When you do, you’ll be saving her and her baby from an abortion. It only takes $26 to connect her with our national contact center and begin providing her with care. So, any gift you’re able to give could make a lifesaving impact.
Will you jump in and make choosing life possible for the next mom? She’s actively seeking an abortion today… And her and her baby need you.
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