
Show the Love of Christ to a Mom Seeking an Abortion Right Now

As you read this, there’s a mom searching the internet for an abortion. She’s not pursuing it because she wants one, but because she feels like she has no other option. That’s the truth for most moms facing an unexpected pregnancy.

But you can reach her right now and empower her to know that she can choose life. You can provide her an appointment at a life-affirming pregnancy center that will give her:

  • A free ultrasound and the chance to hear her baby’s heartbeat
  • Compassionate, life-affirming care from licensed medical professionals
  • Access to tangible resources that will ease her burden and enable her to choose life

You can write the next chapter for her – and her child today.

The next mom is up against a goliath abortion industry with deep pockets. They are pursuing her with lies and deception.

They are enraged since the Roe v. Wade decision. They want to send her a pill to destroy the life of the baby in her womb, while not truly caring for her needs.

But the truth is that she doesn’t need a pill, she needs love, care, and hope. She needs to experience the love and compassion of Christ right now, at her moment of distress.

She needs you to re-write her narrative from death to life and re-paint her future to include the child in her womb today, because that baby’s life is on the line right now.

And you can rescue them both from abortion with your gift right now. When you give today, you remove the next mom’s challenges and provide the hope that she needs to choose life.

  • Because of your gift, she can be reached with love and hope.
  • Because of your gift, she can hear her baby’s heartbeat.
  • Because of your gift, she can choose life for her child.
  • Because of your gift, she can receive the tangible support she needs to flourish.

Here’s some great news: the $782,500 End-of-Year Challenge Grant has been met in full! That means TWICE the lifesaving impact has already been made this December. If you’ve already given towards this critical goal, THANK YOU so much!

But to keep the momentum and generosity going through 12/31, our team has set a new stretch goal of $1,147,500. Since $782,500 has already been raised, that means an additional $365,000 remains to reach the new End-of-Year stretch goal.

Will you join in on the generosity by giving your best gift to help reach the $1,147,500 stretch goal before 2023 is over? Reaching the stretch goal by 12/31 means that about 14,000 more moms will be given the chance to choose life in the New Year ahead.

So, will you write the next chapter for the next mom and her baby, saving them from an abortion today?

Will you give your best gift to save them from the devastation of abortion — before it’s too late for them?

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