Show the Love of Christ to the Next Mom Seeking an Abortion Right Now
As you read this, there’s a mother searching the internet for answers as she begins seeking an abortion. She’s not pursuing it because she wants one, but because she feels like she has no other option.
Image of a mom cuddling with her baby on her shoulderThat’s the truth for most moms facing an unexpected pregnancy. And it was the truth for “Brittany”…
Brittany’s life came crashing down around her after a brutal breakup followed by a car accident that left her temporarily paralyzed. This devastating situation quickly turned into a crisis when Brittany learned that she was also pregnant.
“I was hopeless,” Brittany remembers. “It felt like I was going through a tunnel where it was just me.”
With everything seemingly out of control in her life, Brittany decided to have an abortion. She searched online to find a place where she could get her abortion over with as fast as she possibly could.

Thank God Brittany found the number to Human Coalition’s national contact center. She chose life in the long run because she was given the support she needed to overcome her challenges.
Right now, another mom like Brittany is looking for answers, for options, for hope online because she’s suddenly faced with an unexpected pregnancy. But you can reach her right now and empower her to know that she can choose life.
You can provide her an appointment at a life-affirming pregnancy center that will give her:
- A free ultrasound and the chance to hear her baby’s heartbeat
- Compassionate, life-affirming care from licensed medical professionals
- Access to tangible resources that will ease her burden and enable her to choose life
That could change everything for her – and her child today. You see, something changes in the hearts of moms when they see their child moving in their tummy or hear their child’s heart beating.
But sadly, the next mom is up against a goliath abortion industry with deep pockets. They are pursuing her with lies and deception. They want to send her a pill to destroy the life of the baby in her womb, while not truly caring for her needs.
But the truth is that she doesn’t need a pill, she needs love, care, and hope. She needs to experience the love and compassion of Christ right now, at her moment of distress.
She needs you to re-write her story from death to life and re-paint her future to include the child in her womb today, because that baby’s life is on the line right now.
And today you can make that possible with your financial gift.
- Because of your gift, she can be reached with love and hope.
- Because of your gift, she can hear her baby’s heartbeat.
- Because of your gift, she can choose life for her child.
- Because of your gift, she can receive the tangible support she needs to flourish.
Will you give the next mom the hope and love she needs to choose life today – saving her and her baby from abortion?
Children across the country remain in immediate, life-threatening danger. But today, you can fight back by giving to save the next baby from abortion.