1,000 Babies Saved

1,000 Babies Saved

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

June 26, 2013, marked a monumental milestone for Human Coalition—as well as for our generous supporters.

Just a few days prior, Tara, a mother of two boys, discovered that she was pregnant. Stunned and scared, she began searching online for an abortion clinic in her area. That’s when Human Coalition connected Tara with her local life-affirming center where she could receive counsel about her pregnancy and a free ultrasound.

Tara entered the center determined to have an abortion. Her husband had just joined the military and finances were tight, especially with two kids in the house. But as she discussed her options with the counselor and learned about the dangers associated with abortion, Tara began rethinking her decision. During the ultrasound, while watching her baby move and wriggle on the screen, Tara quietly uttered, “I probably won’t have an abortion now.”

Tara left the clinic eager to accept this gift God had given to her. And because the center provided her with resources for prenatal care and financial assistance, Tara knew she was equipped with the support and care that she’d originally believed was unavailable to her.

Tara’s child is the 1,000th baby to be saved through Human Coalition’s unique cohesion of technology, compassion, and tangible help. Through our work, we reach scared mothers like Tara who believe they are alone in their crisis pregnancy, and we connect them with compassionate counselors who provide loving counsel and vital resources to help them parent.

While Human Coalition celebrates this momentous achievement, we also recognize that we never could have reached Tara, or the 999 other moms and dads before her, without the financial support of our generous donors. Through your giving, Human Coalition has rescued 1,000 babies, saved thousands of parents from the regret of abortion, and helped promote a culture of life within our communities.

But, we know there is still much more work to do. Every day an estimated 3,500 lives are ended through the violence of abortion. Entire generations have been eradicated from society because of this insidious procedure. And while we cheer the legislative actions that are making abortions in our nation harder to obtain, we know that the only way to truly abolish abortion is by changing hearts through compassion and shared truth.

If you’ve never given to Human Coalition, then I urge you to celebrate our 1,000th baby by making a generous donation today. If you’re already an Human Coalition donor, then be encouraged in knowing that your gift impacts the lives of abortion-determined women and men across the country.
Human Coalition relies on your support to rescue babies from abortion. Won’t you please join us as we reach desperate and hurting abortion-determined women and men with love, compassion, and tangible help?

Please make your tax-deductible gift to Human Coalition today. And here’s to the next 1,000 babies we rescue!