65 children have now been rescued from abortion thanks to Human Coalition and our strong affiliations with nine pregnancy resource centers in different parts of the country.
Compared to the 1.2 million children aborted in America every year (3,500 each day), 65 seems like an almost insignificant number.
But is it?
On the contrary, it is very significant for 3 reasons.
1. One the unique aspects of Human Coalition is its ability and commitment to finding men and women who have already decided to have an abortion. The vast majority of the people we connect with are shopping for abortion facilities. In many cases, the sanctity of life community has not been successful at reaching what we call “abortion-determined” people – until now.
They are most at-risk of aborting their children, and they are in desperate need of the love, care, compassion, and truth provided at our affiliate centers. Our affiliate centers consistenly tell us that Human Coalition clients are their most difficult cases. Yet they continue to provide superior care and counsel to them with life-saving results.
2. Every life is invaluable and precious. There are numerous people working with Human Coalition who have donated their time, skills, resources, and energies to this effort. If it had all been for just one child, every one of us would have said it is worth it. Instead, we continue to see lives saved every month and the outreach continues to expand. More than half of the babies saved have come in just the last 3 1/2 months. What does that mean? Human Coalition continues to grow in its effectiveness and our affiliate centers are doing the same. In other words, the entire effort is gaining momentum. Life-saving momentum.
3. Every life saved changes other lives. A woman who has aborted a child will normally stay silent, often times suffering alone for years. A woman who was going to abort a child and then chooses life instead will often be an evangelist for the unborn. One woman’s courageous choice influences numerous people around her. This is why I believe it is possible to end abortion in America. Every time an abortion-determined woman or man chooses life instead, they are changing the culture for life around them.
One of our very first Human Coalition babies was born a few weeks ago. Our affiliate center has maintained a relationship with the mother, and last week the mom sent pictures of her newborn baby to us. Mother and baby are doing great, and the mother continues to express her gratitude to all involved for counseling her for life.
THAT is why 65 is a wonderful number.
We continue to grow and expand – but we can’t do it without you!