Abortion Is Not Just an Economic Issue

Abortion Is Not Just an Economic Issue

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

According to CNBC’s Jake Novak, property taxes, welfare programs, and government regulations have all contributed to today’s parents having fewer children, thereby sinking America’s birthrate to a record low.

My prior response to Novak’s excellent analysis points out the direct correlation between falling birthrates and legalized abortion:

The largest impact on the American birthrate is obvious, as is the common sense solution. Americans abort approximately 1.2 million children each year, or ¼ of all pregnancies. If America wants to increase its birthrate and thus preserve its most precious resource, we should stop killing one-quarter of our children.

There’s no doubt that negative births put a country’s future at risk. However, I contend that when a nation kills approximately one-fourth of its unborn children but then bemoans there aren’t enough children to sustain our economic prosperity, the problem is not economical, but spiritual.

Don’t misunderstand me. Buttressing our nation’s tax base and sustaining tomorrow’s workforce are necessary and noble efforts. But they pale in comparison to the importance of stopping the unjust killing of over 3,500 unborn children a day — children who are being ripped from their mothers’ wombs and discarded as medical waste. To focus on the former while ignoring the latter is senseless.

Americans must think beyond the utilitarian means of controlling population growth, and instead imagine a world where every child — both born and unborn — is given life for the simple fact that they are intrinsically valuable and made in God’s image.

Abortion doesn't take just one life.We must acknowledge that abortion doesn’t stop just one beating heart. It interrupts the entire lineage of that unborn child. While it’s true that abortion has killed approximately 57 million unborn children in the United States since 1973, this number excludes the millions upon millions of future generations that have been snuffed from existence.

Every day at AbortionMemorial.com, an initiative of Human Coalition, we hear from individuals who mourn the loss of their unborn grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Their emotional stories reveal the deep grief that emerges when a family’s lineage is intentionally and prematurely cut off.

Dear grandbabies,
If I had known you were conceived, I would have done all I could to save you. I am so sorry you can never come to Grandpa’s and my house to spend the night. That I couldn’t rock you, sing to you, post pictures of you on FB, take you to Sunday school, and share all I do with you, as I do with your brother and sister. I love you and know we will be together when my time on this earth is over. I believe your great-grandparents are enjoying you right now. My prayer is that your parents will receive God’s grace, be healed, and be there with us. Grandma loves you, Baby.

Dear little niece or nephew,
No one knew what your mom had chosen until it was too late. I wish she would have reached out for help; I wish she would have chosen life for you. I’m sorry for the silence, the silence that kept your life a secret until now. The silence that still keeps you a secret from so many other people who would have loved you, no matter who your father was. Your uncle and I will never forget you; you will always be loved and a part of our family. I think of you often and mourn the life you will never have. The big sister who may never know you existed, the cousins who would have been thrilled at your birth. As long as I live, I’ll never forget you. I love you, sweet baby.

Do you feel the pain and regret that haunt these family members? They are not communicating a concern about corporate taxes or our country’s economic growth. They aren’t expressing grief about national demographics or falling birthrates. They are facing the very personal reality that every year there is an empty chair at their Thanksgiving table, one less birthday gift to buy, and someone absent from their family reunions.

When an unborn child is aborted, the impact reaches far beyond the pages of a CNBC article. Instead, each abortion chisels another crevice into our nation’s spiritual cornerstone, weakening the moral foundation on which we’re built.

While we recognize and analyze the financial and economic repercussions of a declining birthrate, let’s first give credence to the spiritual impact that the deaths of approximately 1.2 million unborn children a year has on families, communities, and indeed our nation.