We are overjoyed that 35 pre-born children have been rescued from abortion. We rejoice that these children, who would now be dead if Human Coalition didn’t exist, have every opportunity to experience the fullness of life.
Human Coalition’s mission is simple: find abortion-determined women and men who are actively looking for an abortion facility online, and connect them to a life-affirming pregnancy center in their area instead.
There are over 6 million Internet searches EVERY MONTH in America for phrases such as “abortion,” “abortion clinic,” and “morning after pill.” There is no doubt that the Internet is the primary place people go to find an abortion provider.
Yet, the sonogram machine is the most effective abortion deterrent ever invented. The vast majority of abortion-minded people will change their minds when they see their baby during a sonogram. Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes, and a beating heart.
By intercepting abortion-determined women and men online and sending them to a pro-life pregnancy center with sonogram capabilities, we give that person every opportunity to have truthful and compassionate help as they make a life and death decision.
Already 35 children have been rescued from abortion because of Human Coalition and the effective care of our partner pregnancy centers.
An entire kindergarten class has been saved. Who is among that group of children who now has a chance to live? A man who will cure cancer? A woman who will be President? College professors, construction workers, missionaries, accountants, inventors, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents?
Who knows what potential lies in the hearts and minds of these children? I do know that they never would have had the opportunity to find out if it hadn’t been for you and your support of this outreach.
Human Coalition exists because of the generosity of people like you that sacrificially give so that lives can be saved.
Human Coalition is unique for a few reasons:
1. Each and every day we report on the impact that we are having for life. You can see, every day, how your prayers and contributions are saving lives.
2. We’ve been told by several of our partner pregnancy centers that Human Coalition is the most effective way to connect to a previously unreached group – the abortion-determined woman and man. That’s because we purposefully find them online in ways that no one has ever done before.
I have a request for you this Easter week. Become a monthly supporter of Human Coalition. Monthly givers are the backbone of this non-profit and I encourage you to join those who have already declared their commitment to Life. Signing up is secure and takes about 3 minutes. Would consider giving $30, $50, or $100 a month to save pre-born babies today?
Would you join our monthly giving team and help us save the NEXT kindergarten class from death?
For Life!
Brian Fisher, President