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Archbishop Charles Chaput Issues Letter of Support for Human Coalition

AUTHOR: Lauren Enriquez

For Immediate Release: October 16, 2017
Archbishop Charles Chaput Issues Letter of Support for Human Coalition

CONTACT: Lauren Enriquez  LEnriquez@humancoalition.org  214.295.7301   www.humancoalition.org/press/

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, presiding over the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, expressed gratitude and support for the work of Human Coalition in a letter to Human Coalition on October 16, 2017.

“[T]he Archdiocese has a strong commitment to defending and advancing the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death,” said Archbishop Chaput. “The right to life is the foundation of all other human rights and all true issues of justice.”

The Archbishop “I’m very grateful for the work the Human Coalition does in this area of ministry, and I’m pleased to express my admiration and support for your efforts with this letter.”

Sean Martin, Senior Director of Church Outreach at Human Coalition, praised the decision. “The Catholic church has led in the area of life for over 40 years, and Archbishop Chaput has been one of the strongest voices,” Rev. Martin said. “We are humbled by his endorsement and honored to work with him and the Catholic Church to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in America.”

Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined women. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.