Are you curious to know how your prayers are helping save the unborn?

Are you curious to know how your prayers are helping save the unborn?

AUTHOR: Sean Martin

You may know Human Coalition as the organization that uses online and offline marketing methods to help rescue unborn children and their families from abortion. With the use of advanced technology, we are able to connect with women searching for abortion-related information on the Internet and guide them to a life-affirming pregnancy center where they can receive compassionate and sound advice regarding their pregnancy. Through this unique combination of grace and technology, Human Coalition has helped rescue over 2,100 babies from abortion!

But did you know that much of our success is contingent upon what happens beyond the walls of the Human Coalition office? Through the Human Coalition Prayer App, thousands of people commit to pray for abortion-determined men and women and their unborn children each and every day.

I heard an incredible story that reminds me just how important and powerful prayer is in the process of helping rescue mothers and babies from abortion. This is the story of “Judy” who recently discovered that her 27-year-old unmarried daughter “Leslie” was pregnant. While both mother and daughter wanted the baby, the father insisted that Leslie terminate the pregnancy.

Fortunately, Judy already knew about Human Coalition, and she even had the HC Prayer App downloaded on her mobile device. As someone who is strongly pro-life, Judy regularly prays for the people in crisis mentioned in the Prayer App notifications; but she never imagined that one of those people would turn out to be her own daughter. Yet that’s exactly what happened.

Feeling abandoned and alone, Leslie believed abortion was her only option. But Judy believed differently and encouraged her daughter to call the local life-affirming pregnancy center where Leslie could receive a free ultrasound and make a fully informed decision regarding her pregnancy. After much prayer and discussion, Leslie promised her mother she would call the pregnancy center the next day.

That’s when the prayers of the Human Coalition Prayer App users made all the difference.

As Judy drove home from work the following day, she received a Prayer App notification. Although she was accustomed to seeing HC notifications pop up on her smartphone, this particular message stopped Judy in her tracks. It read: Someone considering abortion just contacted a PRC in your area.


Immediately realizing that this particular “someone” was likely her daughter, Judy pulled her car into the nearest parking lot and began praying. Overwhelmed with emotion, she simply recited the prayer suggested by the Prayer App: Lord, may this mother and her family receive compassion, grace, love, and truth, and may she choose life for her baby.

Judy tells us that at that moment she knew her daughter and grandchild were going to be fine, “I knew there were hundreds, if not thousands, of other believers praying for my baby — and her baby! I was so overwhelmed to know that MY heavenly Father set this up and was on His throne and was actively listening to my prayers.”

Judy’s beautiful story reminds us that the effort to help rescue babies from abortion does not end when a woman contacts one of our life-affirming pregnancy centers. In addition to free sonograms and one-on-one care at the pregnancy centers, your prayerful involvement is indispensable to help save lives. 

With the help of the innovative Human Coalition Prayer App, you can be reminded to pray for each client throughout the life-decision process — even after her appointment at a life-affirming pregnancy center.

And when a woman chooses LIFE for her child, you’ll be notified and asked to share the good news with your friends and family…an announcement that will excite others and encourage them to join you in prayer!

As a church leader who is committed to promoting the sanctity of life, I urge you — now is the time to pass on information about the Human Coalition Prayer App to your congregants. This innovative tool allows people to engage in the day-to-day mission to help save unborn babies and their families from the devastating effects of abortion.

Also, be on the lookout for the release of the third version of the HC Prayer App (scheduled for October). Your support and your willingness to get others involved are critical in the effort to save lives. Please share about the HC Prayer App with your church, so more people will get involved in the effort to end abortion in America.