Since 2007, Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center (APRC) has served the Atlanta metropolitan area with compassionate, life-affirming care. Over the last few years, the clinic has considered how it can serve more women and rescue even more children from abortion, with a goal of tangibly impacting the abortion rate in Atlanta – one of the most abortion-dense cities in the nation.
Answering the call to rescue more children and serve more families, APRC prayerfully chose to join the Human Coalition family as its second women’s care clinic in Atlanta. In 2016, Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Atlanta became the first Human Coalition Women’s Care Clinic in this city. The move has resulted in a massive increase in the number of children the clinic has been able to rescue from abortion. And Human Coalition has been praying for an opportunity to continue serving the Atlanta community with a second women’s care clinic.
“Conversations with Human Coalition began three years ago,” said Inger Eberhart, APRC’s Board Chair. ” In 2017, we engaged in deeper conversations about how we can truly end abortion in our lifetime. Through much prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit, we are grateful God has made our path clear to transition the Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center to Human Coalition.”
Brian Fisher, president and co-founder of Human Coalition, shared his enthusiasm about APRC’s decision to join Human Coalition:
APRC supporters have shown themselves to be one of a kind, determined and purposeful in their mission to bring an end to abortion. Now as we move forward together, taking our first steps as one united Human Coalition family, I covet your prayers. Please pray that we may effectively serve the abortion-determined population of Atlanta by rescuing even more children, all for the glory of God.
Human Coalition works to ensure that abortion-seeking women receive compassionate care and tangible help in the most abortion-dense cities in the United States, with the ultimate goal of making abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime. To learn more about Human Coalition’s approach, visit
Human Coalition’s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.