There’s A New Human Coalition App
Now available for most devices. Check it out at and start praying in real-time with thousands of others to see an end to abortion in America.

In an effort to revolutionize the methods by which we keep you informed of the life-decision process, Human Coalition has developed an innovative iPhone app that provides real-time alerts from our affiliate life-affirming centers throughout the country.
This pioneering technology provides our supporters with minute-by-minute notifications allowing them to have an even greater impact on the life-decision process:
- When first downloading the app, you’ll be given the option to receive prayer notifications every time a woman in your city makes an appointment with one of our life-affirming centers. Agreeing to receive these notifications allows you to be a part of the growing prayer network for women in your city.
- As soon as a life-decision is made, you will be notified that we’ve rescued another baby from abortion.
- Every time you receive a prayer notification or life-decision alert, you will be given the opportunity to share it via social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook.
But the revolutionary impact does not stop there. In addition to real-time notifications, the Human Coalition App also provides a graphical Life Map, which allows you to see the impact Human Coalition is making in other markets across the country. Using nationwide statistics, the Life Map displays statistics for each life-affirming center and even provides a real-time visual showing how many supporters are praying in that city.
In addition, the Human Coalition App provides a virtual sonogram image that illustrates the monthly stages of development of an unborn child. It’s a great reminder of why we do what we do—life is a miracle and precious at all stages.
And finally, the Human Coalition App features our most recent video productions and latest articles giving you easy access to these resources on your mobile device.
The pro-life community has never before had access to such real-time statistics like those offered by the Human Coalition App. With this forward-thinking technology, we are enabling you, our supporter, to understand the impact that your prayers and financial support are making in the lives of real women and men who need our help.
Since launching this app two weeks ago, there are already over 1,100 users—many of whom have already committed to pray for abortion-determined women in their deepest time of need. As someone of great faith who believes in the power of prayer, I have no doubt that God will honor our requests and that we’ll continue to see a strong increase in the number of men and women who choose life.
In the meantime, I invite you to download your own Human Coalition App and become powerfully involved in the day-to-day fight to rescue babies from abortion. Just go the App Store on your iPad or iPhone, search for “Human Coalition,” and then download your app for FREE. Make sure you click on the Prayer icon and sign up to receive prayer notifications. When you do, you’ll join hundreds of people nationwide who are already praying for abortion-determined people.
As always, I thank you for standing with Human Coalition as we seek new and innovative ways to save unborn children. Please consider making a financial gift to Human Coalition and help pave the way for the creation of even more impactful, life-saving methods in the future.