Many have already gone to and proudly shared their reasons for being pro-life…will you?
Pro-life Americans come from all walks of life and every ethnic and socioeconomic background. And they all carry a story that shapes their pro-life view and molds their convictions about the sacredness of life at every stage of development. Some promote the sanctity of life within their churches, schools, and communities. Others choose to serve in life-affirming pregnancy centers, or to educate young people about the importance of abstinence, or to give their financial resources to support those who minister directly to abortion-determined and post-abortive women and men. Despite the media’s attempts to paint the pro-life movement in a negative light, we want to share the true face of the pro-life individual next door.
Human Coalition wanted to capture these diverse faces of the pro-life movement. So we created, a website designed to showcase the stories of those who champion the sacredness of life. I encourage you to check out the site, read the stories posted by Human Coalition’s staff and volunteers, and share your own pro-life story! With wide-ranging perspectives and varied experiences, each one has openly shared his or her reasons for being pro-life.

I’m pro-life because I want to live in a world where every life is valued, no matter their ability or disability.
Before Human Coalition publicizes this website in publications, news outlets, and online advertising, we wanted to encourage the members of our pro-life community to go to and share their picture as well as their reason for being pro-life. Perhaps you had an unplanned pregnancy in your past, and you made the courageous decision to choose life for your child. You and your child are pro-life faces! We know not everyone can engage in frontline efforts to protect the unborn, nor is everyone equipped to minister within the walls of a life-affirming pregnancy center. Still, your efforts matter a great deal, and we wanted to give you a voice.
Visit today and encourage others by sharing your pro-life story.
Let’s offer a new face to the pro-life movement in America!