Here in Texas we’ve experienced some tumultuous weeks leading up to the state legislature’s vote to ban abortion after 20 weeks’ gestation and to strengthen health and safety standards in abortion clinics across the state. But despite the unruly and often disruptive protests of pro-abortion supporters, Governor Perry courageously signed the sweeping abortion bill into law on July 17.
Currently, at least 20 other state legislatures are considering similar laws to restrict abortion on demand and increase the safety standards of abortion clinics. If enacted, these laws have the potential to close down our nation’s filthiest and most hazardous abortion clinics.
At Human Coalition, we applaud lawmakers who recognize the plight of the unborn and enthusiastically pursue prolife legislation. As we witnessed in Texas, the pro-abortion lobby is a powerful foe and tremendously effective at mobilizing their activists.
Furthermore, pro-abortion supporters have perfected the art of coming up with catchy slogans and taglines that are picked up by social networking sites and parroted by the mainstream media.
Here are some of the most common catchlines that the pro-abortion crowd brandished in the Texas State Capitol:
- Abortion Is a Women’s Issue
- Keep Your Laws off My Body!
- Make Every Child, a Wanted Child
- No More Rape Babies!
Over the next few weeks, I will analyze these oft-repeated slogans and reveal that while they are certainly memorable and catchy, they are also replete with fallacies and lack historical, scientific, and statistical credibility.
In my book Media Revolution: A Battle Plan to Defeat Mass Deception in America, I stress the vital importance of using words and phrases properly and truthfully. But the themes that pro-abortion supporters have adopted and advanced are perfect examples of what I call “the name game.” This messaging technique involves using a phrase that’s only partially true—or even completely false—but using it so often and so shrewdly that it becomes ingrained in a population’s mind as being truth. The goal is to get the public to accept these trumpeted talking points for just one reason—to take the focus off the abortion procedure and train it on a woman’s “right to choose.”
As sober-minded Americans, we must scrutinize and evaluate popular abortion-marketing themes. Watch for upcoming emails from Human Coalition, in which I will unpack the most commonly cited slogans used by pro-abortion supporters today.
Human Coalition is a pro life non-profit that uses technology coupled with compassion and truth to rescue unborn babies and their families from the ravages of abortion.