Heartbreak Amidst Joys

Heartbreak Amidst Joys

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

As the Human Coalition project continues to grow, we are receiving wonderful feedback from our partner pro-life centers in Texas and Pennsylvania. Some of it is so encouraging, yet some of it reminds us that we need to fight even harder to save women, men, and unborn children from the devastation of abortion.

The Human Coalition project connects abortion-minded women and men with local pro-life centers using Internet technology.

We launched this project on May 21st, and since then:

Our ads have been viewed 18,273 times
That has resulted in 375 visits to our outreach sites
Of those visits, our partner centers have received 54 phone calls and 5 emails.
From those contacts, four abortion-minded women have chosen life!

We rejoice that four unborn lives have been saved. We also rejoice that four women have chosen to spare the life of a child, but also spare themselves physical and emotional harm.

I wish I could tell you that every story had a happy ending. Sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, a woman still chooses abortion.

Just this week there were several calls made to our partner centers that did not result in an appointment or sonogram. Sometimes the abortion-minded woman hangs up, sometimes she schedules an appointment and doesn’t show.

This ministry, like so many others, needs your prayers. We pray not only that the Human Coalition project connects more and more abortion-minded people with pro-life assistance; we also pray for our partner centers. We pray that they would have great favor with the callers and clients.

It is truly a war between life and death. Are you praying for life?