Frequently, we receive emails and chats from people asking for additional ways they can support Human Coalition’s mission to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime. We’ve come up with a few ways for anyone to get involved.
The truth is, if enough people take these small steps, we can make a huge impact… and end abortion together.
1) Shop Through AmazonSmile
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
Now, 0.5% may not seem like a lot. But if every pro-life person took this small step, the amount allocated to Human Coalition would quickly add up, allowing us to rescue more children and serve more families every year.
To select Human Coalition as your charitable organization:
- Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
- From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
- Select Human Coalition.
Select Human Coalition as your charity on AmazonSmile today!
2) Facebook Fundraising
This is a great and easy way to fundraise for Human Coalition and help us rescue children. With simple step-by-step instructions, Facebook allows you to set up a fundraising page that makes it fast and easy for your friends and family to donate to Human Coalition.
Several supporters have set up Facebook fundraisers in honor of their birthdays, anniversaries, or even their child’s birth. What better way to celebrate the important events in your life than by promoting LIFE!
3) In Honor and in Memoriam
A great way to celebrate the life of a loved one is to give life to others. Honoring someone who had a wonderful impact on your life is powerful. Remembering others who’ve already passed on is also a very meaningful way to honor their life.
To give a gift today in honor of your loved one, visit:
4) Share the News
Not everyone can give, but everyone can advocate. Human Coalition has one of the largest and most active pro-life pages on Facebook. With a compassionate tone, we harness the power of social media to advance our message that every life matters. Become a part of this movement by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and by sharing our posts with your social circles.