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Human Coalition Announces New Broadcast: “The Human Element”

AUTHOR: Lauren Enriquez

Human Coalition is thrilled to announce the launch of the new pro-life broadcast, The Human Element with Brian Fisher. The Human Element is a weekly, half-hour broadcast designed to empower pro-life individuals with the knowledge they need to engage the culture on the subject of abortion. The first episode, Abortion as Genocide, is now available to stream or download. 

Abortion is an injustice that must be ended in our lifetime, and pro-lifers need to be armed with accurate, thoughtful arguments when called upon to defend the preborn and articulate our pro-life worldview. In The Human Element, Human Coalition President and Co-Founder Brian Fisher considers abortion-related topics through the lenses of theology, philosophy, and science.  

Brian Fisher explains:  

Ending abortion in our lifetime requires us to arm ourselves not just with information, but also with the discernment to know which information to share and in what manner in order to be as persuasive as possible. We created The Human Element to help pro-lifers who are seeking to be informed about pro-life advances and empowered to share their worldview with others. 

The Human Element can be found on TheHumanElementShow.com and can be downloaded on iTunes. Contact Lauren Enriquez at lenriquez@humancoalition.org for more information. 


Human Coalition‘s abortion-ending strategy fuses technology, best practices, and tangible help to compassionately serve the unreached abortion-determined woman. Our team of diverse professionals tirelessly refines proprietary technologies and holistic approaches to rescue children and serve families in America’s most abortion-dense cities.